Saturday, October 11, 2008


Its so amazing how we manage to compartmentalize our lives so easily. Tuck away each person, event, feeling into various nooks and corners of our head and heart. Never realizing that at the end of the day all these things have one thing in common…You. And that at some point or the other, they will touch each other and either co-exist or get destroyed. Do we really have enough in us to be able to maintain harmony between our million different feelings… can we maintain our sanity even when our hearts are constantly in a whirlwind of emotions, trying desperately to keep all parts of our lives at their rightful place and get their respective dues. Sometimes I really wonder whether we are the source of our own complications. I have never been able to understand people who claim to be ”Simple” …how can anyone be immune to the complications of relationships, unless you’re a total recluse … the world is full of wonderful people, some who make you tick and some who don’t…those who do make you tick will take a place in your life… some a higher place than others…the more the layers the more the complications and more the ecstasy of life…so can we ever lead a full simple life…a life full of the entire gamut of feelings and emotions yet simple enough to keep you sane… I don’t think we can ever use the words “simple” and “full” in the same sentence…But the bigger question is… Should we want to?... A friend once said “I prefer stability over Passion”…considering this was said in context to love, I really wonder what is it that drives people to run away from complication…. Is it so bad to want it all and be ready to go insane trying….

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