Friday, October 10, 2008


I’ve always wondered what a soulmate meant. Contrary to all the Mush and Marketing of romantic perceptions, I think a soulmate is just someone who gets you. Not in the physical or emotional way but in the “being” way. A soulmate is someone who understands your most complicated expression without you having to explain it again or simplifying it. He’s someone who doesn’t need to hear you explicitly explain what you are thinking to know what you mean, but will still let you rant because he knows you need to. He understands that you are human too just like him and that you are also entitled to being confused and complicated, that you maybe independent and head strong, but you still fight the same battles of head vs heart and passion vs convention.
So what do you do if you think you’ve found your soulmate…. But he’s not your lifemate. Is a soulmate always supposed to be a lover or a spouse? What do you do when you find a soulmate who can’t be either, not because of any other reason but morality? If I were to believe that a soulmate could be just a friend, how do we fight all the feelings that direct you otherwise.. it’s not always easy to hold on to your soulmate, especially if you have found them late in your life. But yet, the ever scrunching need to hold on to them and defy all that’s conventional in this world makes us go out of our way to make them a part of our lives, and not just as a memory…Too bad some things are bound to slip away, yet maybe it’s all for the better….or is it ?

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