Friday, November 28, 2008

Bombay Bleeding.....

Wednesday night, 10.35 pm….I was watching some movie trailers on MTV… my daily “homework” you see… the phone rings and it’s Karen reporting in to me that the studio work for the day is over…and then … tells me that some blasts have happened in VT and that she’s rushing back home… I tell her to avoid the train and call me once she reaches… all the while just thinking that oh god another blast… but unfortunately feeling… ok..JUST another blast….it was only when I shifted the channel to the news did I realize that this time it wasn’t ..Just ..another blast…. For the 2nd time in my life span I was seeing a war on the streets… the 1st incidence was 1993, a time of total chaos..marked in my life by a call recd by my uncle on a brand new phone number stating …”you 2 brothers(referring to my dad) showed a lot of valor last night (we had a neighborhood watch schedule running at that time).. be careful.. you have families”… that was a Thursday night…and today after 15 years I’m feeling the same chill down my spine… only difference being that this time it’s not one another we are fighting but some inhuman irrational things who for reasons unknown believe that keeping phirangs hostage and killing 6 year olds will get them what they want…. What they don’t know is that this is BOMBAY… you can hurt us can upset us…you can even kill us…. but you cannot shake us…. And more than even that …this is INDIA… we will strike back…and like a chain SMS I read today morning said… “forgiving a terrorist is left to god.. but fixing their appointment with god is our responsibility – INDIAN ARMY”

But that’s just the sense part of it…. But what about the emotionality part of it… admist all this action what gets lost is the true emotional damage that those assholes cause…and I’m not talking about the “sansaniiii” type of emotional damage… I’m talking about the the true stories of people who lost their lives in this ordeal…. The 5 chefs who were shot point blank… or the wife and kids of the GM of the TAJ who were burned… mostly alive…. And the jewish family including a 3 yr old child that who killed …just because… when will we realize that something like this can happen to anyone…..that we may as a city be full of spirit and unity… but whatever we do we will never truly understand what the families of those who are no more feel.. all we can do is pray and in our own small ways try to make our country safe…..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Please increase font size.