Friday, December 19, 2008

The Ever Pending Goodbye...

It’s always amazed me how relationships are so dependant on factors beyond our control. People usually state that the way a relationship moves is based on how you “work” on it, mould it etc etc. But how much do these controllable factors really impact the “story” of any relationship? “working” on it itself is not 100% controllable… there are factors like . time, space etc which are anyways not in your control. So many times we come across relationships we would like to hold close to us forever. But when I look around the only relationships that truly last a lifetime in all their glory and impact are so few that it’s scary. I’m not talking about friends we “keep in touch” with once in a way, or blood relatives we cant get fully away from, or even spouses who after 10 – 15 yrs you end up not feeling the same way you did when you started off. Agreed that every relationship grows and people change…. But somewhere all the effort you put into making friendships and relationships “work” should pay off right?... the most upsetting part of any relationship for me is the ever pending goodbye… a very close friend today mentioned about moving out of the country… and it put my world to a standstill for a few secs… will I ever see him again… will we be able to share jokes and daily funny moments like we do.. gossip about our common circle… solve each others problems.. I don’t think so….

In our love relationships whenever distance becomes a fact, we put extra efforts, talk about it, work around it, acknowledge it as an issue and work towards it… most times it works…. And whenever it doesn’t work.. we say goodbye and move on…. But what about friendships… something that is soooo close to us and impact our lives so much… when friends move away… why don’t we ever talk about it… why do we always say “all the best”.. stay happy and just leave it to fate… why is there never a good bye… some closure to a relationship that atleast at some point in our lives held a lot of importance… why is it so ok to let friendships fade… we never say end… because that person will always be close to your heart…. But maybe not in the same form and glory as before… he will hold some position in our lives, maybe not the same one he does now… and we’ll live with it.. live with the void and the blankness.. eventually fill it with some other friendship.. and move on… ..and yet we’ll always have an ever pending Goodbye…right ??


incomparable said...

in friendship, the rules of official communication dont exist.. its easier that way to just let it be!! i feel, any relationship however old or new, starts a fresh everyday.. if its old u just have the adv of understanding or pre-empting sometimes the thought process or reactions of the other person.. true for friends as well as partners.
the question then arises is
1) how many loose ends are u ready to just let be..
2) if u r ready to let the distance take its own turn in that relationship..
how i justify such situations is: u will always share a bond and will know his core self, U mite not know whats he doing this instance.. mite miss out on the small things, but will be updated on all big things!!

hahha this has turned to be another blog itself!! :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful and so true when it comes to any relationships and its more of a conflict between the heart and the mind... and the hearts always seems to hold the trump card... I so know how it feel! :)